Jaggo Blocks
Jaggo Blocks are used in all the infant classes to support the Aistear Curriculum. The children love to design and build restaurants, hospitals, car parks, hotels and houses and are very proud of their creations. And like all grown ups in the industry they have come to realise that changes to their designs often need to be dealt with on site!
Who can build the tallest structure?
The Junior Infants and Senior Infants had great fun attempting to build structures from marshmallows and spaghetti. They explored 2D shapes and 3D shapes with some very impressive results.
Bridge Design
Junior Infants given the job spec of designing and building bridges for the Three Billy Goats Gruff: The bridge had to be tall enough so that the troll could stand under it but strong enough so that the bridge could support all three goats.
The Senior Infants were given the task of building a bridge from paper and blocks that could support different weights.